Welcome to Momz With Girlz. Equipping, Empowering and Connecting Mums in the pursuit of raising strong girls who love Jesus.
Raising kids brings so much joy. But it’s hard. With the amount of images, social media, and voices speaking into our daughter’s lives, we wonder how we can compete with all that. These different sources are telling our girls who they are, who they could be, how to think, how to look and how to be. While, on one side there are messages trying to tell girls “You can be anything you want” on the other side, our girls are seeing images and messages that tell them that they need to be a certain way in order to be accepted or even normal.
At Momz with Girlz we believe that as mothers and women in these girls’ lives, we can make a difference. And together, we can help our girls hear the voice of God telling them how He sees them, how they can think- with His wisdom and who they can be – in Him.
But we also believe that it begins with us- the Momz or mother figures. We realize that we also are faced with similar messaging, and need to hear His voice speaking to us. As we walk this journey together He enables us to be more effective in our girls’ life.
Momz with Girlz want to provide resources and develop community to learn, grow and encourage each other. We want to help you, equip you and empower you so that you can go forward confidently in Him in your journey to raise strong girls who love Jesus: girls strong in their faith, strong in their physical bodies, strong in their knowledge of who they are in Christ- body, mind and spirit.